The OSP Blog
Stuff — and things! — we’ve been thinking about and working on.
Sharing our thoughts on product communication, strategy, and communication in and around technology.
Click the tags to see topic- or format-based collections.
Build a Product Adoption Strategy on Technical Truth
OSP's Value Map and Product Communications Framework creates clear, fact-based messaging to foster trust and empathy.
MoreTeam Success: Flow and Productivity
Consistent productivity is essential for so many of us. A flow state helps. Here are some tips that work for us when we need that flow to happen.
MoreGRAM, the OSP editorial code. Podcast 14
On the podcast, we discuss how we use the code GRAM to create error-free communication.
MoreANTE, the OSP editorial code. Podcast 10
On the podcast, we discuss how the code ANTE helps us clear up “this, “that,” and “they”.
MoreTalking Writing/Editing Codes with Chris Fenwick. Podcast 13
On the OSP podcast, we chat about how our Editing Codes came to be.
MoreBoost your project's trust signals with great docs!
Vibrant signals make people far more likely to engage with your open source product, project, and community.
MoreFUD, the OSP editorial code. Podcast 12
On the podcast, we discuss the code FUD and why we avoid fear, uncertainty, and doubt in our writing.
MoreDATE, the OSP editorial code. Podcast 11
On the podcast, we discuss how the code DATE keeps our writing current and relevant.
MoreWHOM, the OSP editorial code. Podcast Ep 09
On the podcast, we discuss how we use the code WHOM to empower your reader.