
Build-a-Star Team Profile Building Workshop

Show off the skills and expertise of the wonderful people you work with. Improve your SEO, and add to your findability and credibility.

Workshop tl;dr

What: Create a strong bio for team members - illustrating the value they bring to your organization.

How: In a safe and fun environment, we use surveys, interviews and collaborative exercises, to paint a portrait of each member of your team.

Who: Established teams or new teams. Anyone who wants to capture the value of their human resource. 

Takeaways: An awareness of team strengths, and ready-to-publish profile content that is SEO-optimized.

Leverage team profiles for SEO

When building a website, most ‘About Us’ pages are neglected or left until the end because they seem “easy”. But everyone knows, writing about yourself can be difficult. 

Often overlooked, team profile content can be a heavy lifter in your website’s credibility. It can be an SEO building block, benefiting both your organization and team members personally.

Workshop Details

Your workshop experience

We create a safe space to make this a fun and relaxed workshop. 

Rather than sitting down to describe your own work history, skills and interests, this workshop uses interviews technique, and interactive, collaborative exercises to flesh out a rounded profile for each team member.

It’s much easier to describe the traits of someone else. Team members get the chance to input on their own and each others’ profiles. 

You do the hard work then take a break while we bring it all together. At the conclusion of the session, we present the profiles to the team in a fun, interactive way.

Workshop outcomes

You’ll have:

  • A stronger team who knows each other better. 
  • An awareness of the expertise of each team member.
  • Content assets ready to publish.
  • SEO building blocks for your website.
Example team profile format

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop works equally well for teams who have been working together for years, and for new teams ramping up in a new project. 

We’ll leave you with the interview template to be able to create profiles yourself for new hires after the workshop.

Workshop formats

The onsite format follows a 3-part structure:

  • Workshopping activity (All)
  • Editorial duties (Facilitators only)
  • Social presentation event (All)

The online format is similar but can be broken up over a number of days.

Sound good?

Yes, I want a workshop!


