
Writer Enablement Workshop

Tools and techniques to consistently create authentic, compelling content. Get your thoughts out of your head and into clear, well-structured words. For every level of writer.

Workshop tl;dr

What: Learn to produce written content consistently to deliver value for your business.

How: We’ll teach you our repeatable, structured approach to writing and editing, using authentic communication principles. 

Who: Teams who need to produce content that connects the value of what you do to your audience. New writers, non-native English speakers and experienced writers will all learn something.

Takeaways: You’ll leave with ready-to-use templates tailored for your business.

Process eclipses creativity

Producing consistent written content is challenging, especially for those with a non-writing background. In addition, the traditional editorial process can be frustrating and inefficient. At OSP, we have created a transparent, systematic way to prepare, write, and edit content. 

  • Do you need to produce written content that helps your business or mission?
  • Do you stare at a blank screen, not knowing how or where to start writing?
  • Do you want to learn to write more consistently, systematically improve your writing, and help others?

You can’t rely on inspiration to hit week in, week out, when you need to produce content on a regular basis. We’ve learned to trust process instead. Our structured, systematic approach to writing and editing gives you clear guidance to create any piece of content with minimum effort.

Workshop Details

Your workshop experience

Authentic Communication Framework

First, we introduce you to Open Strategy Partners’ principles and discuss the roles of empathy, clarity, and trust in teams, content, and communication. 

Strategic Communications Framework

We briefly touch on the strategic framework, and explain the components needed to create effective and strategically relevant content. These include the OSP Value Map and Trust Signals, as well as classic marketing elements like target groups and personas, the buyer’s journey, and core narratives. As a group, we’ll work to capture topics relevant to your organization along the way. 

Interview-Based, Accurate, Compelling

Many of us need to create expert-level content about many subjects. And we can’t all be experts in everything. We take you through OSP’s interview-based approach to making content that is technically accurate and interesting to read.

Structured Writing and Editing Process

Editorial-, channel-, and asset-planning form the bridge from the strategic framework to our writing process. Using one or more of your topics in individual or group exercises, we take you from template to brief to draft and through the OSP editing process to final copy, with a deeper dive into narrative structure and logical rigor along the way.

Workshop outcomes

You’ll have content brief templates tailored for your goals and business. You’ll have an understanding of:

  • Interview techniques
  • Content briefs
  • Writing a compelling draft
  • Reviewing and editing

You’ll know how to produce written content consistently, to deliver value for your business.

Window of post-its at an OSP workshop

Who is this workshop for?

  • Anyone who wants to improve their writing flow and process! 
  • Inexperienced writers and non-native English speaking writers can improve their writing following these principles. 
  • Experienced writers can learn about how to use your workflow to overcome writer’s block and improve the strategic focus of your writing. 

This workshop is for those who need to produce technical or business content that connects the value of what you do to the people who need to know about it. 

Workshop formats

We can arrange practical workshops and content sprints online or in-person for a variety of group sizes from small to large. Tailored to your needs and goals, they can run from one to five days in length, for example as a series of 90-minute or half-day workshops, plus individual breakout sessions.

Companion workshops

Follow this workshop up with a Content Sprint, to spend some focussed time on using your newly gained knowledge to produce concepts, drafts, and final polished content for your organization.

OSP writing for clarity principles

Sound good?

Yes, I want a workshop!


