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Game Changer

Align your communications with your vision, strategy, and technical truth.

Book a 30-minute call.      Download the Value Map Data Sheet

Connect Engineering to Sales and Marketing.
Align your communications with your vision, strategy, and technical truth.   

Better Communication Strategy

Accelerate consistent, fact-based communications that drive growth.

Challenge: Better strategy


To create a better communication strategy, you need to capture the value of your products in your customers’ eyes, what sets you apart from your competition, and plan the messaging to sway new customers.

Solution: Collective knowledge


Pour your collective knowledge, experience, and expertise into the OSP Value Map structures and methodology to ramp up your professional communications operations rapidly.

Benefit: Enable communication


Enable all stakeholders to communicate about your product consistently, accurately, and compellingly.

What do we mean when we say, "Accelerate consistent, fact-based communications that drive growth"?

The OSP Value Map gives you:

A CMO-on-Demand for Product Communications

Challenges: You need to capture, de-silo, and unify your product knowledge, vision, and market intuition for everyone to share and act upon.

Solution: The Value Map framework and methodology give you ready-made structures to articulate your communication and strategy, with or without a dedicated marketing team.

Benefits: Remove the guesswork from building your communication strategy and accelerate telling the world about the value you deliver.

Relevant Value Map Features

  • For the cost of a junior headcount, get OSP’s experienced team supporting you.
  • OSP works with your teams to pull their perspective, expertise, experience, and technical brilliance out of their heads and apply it to strategy and messaging.
  • Opinionated but flexible strategic structures and approach.
  • Fact-based, unified product positioning and product messaging.
  • Analytical approach to content and sales planning.
  • Communication strategy at everyone’s fingertips: your team and all other stakeholders.

Unified Positioning, Aligned with your Technical Truth

Connect technical features to fact-based product positioning.

Challenges: To help you come to a consensus on your product positioning and get buy-in from all stakeholders, you need a single source of truth about the features and benefits of your product.

Solution: OSP works with you to collect granular, comprehensive, structured data about your product’s features. Then, we “distill” these, concentrating them into logical-functional groups, then into product positioning.

Benefits: Connect with your critical, tech-savvy audiences (via fact-based positioning, free of hyperbole or guesswork).

Relevant Value Map Features

  • For the cost of a junior headcount, get OSP’s experienced team supporting you.
  • OSP works with your teams to pull their perspective, expertise, experience, and technical brilliance out of their heads and apply it to strategy and messaging.
  • Opinionated but flexible strategic structures and approach.
  • Fact-based, unified product positioning and product messaging.
  • Analytical approach to content and sales planning.
  • Communication strategy at everyone’s fingertips: your team and all other stakeholders.

Marketing Campaigns, Editorial Planning & Coverage.

Better planning makes better campaigns and lead-driving content

Challenges: Planning strategically aligned campaigns and editorial coverage related to large, complex products is challenging.

Solution: The narratives, topics, prioritization, and personas captured in your Value Map are the tools you need to get the job done consistently.

Benefits: The OSP Value Map is the link between your strategy and effective, efficient content production and ensures targeted messaging.

Relevant Value Map Features

  • Quickly determine strategic narratives and authority topics
  • Rank and track strategic narratives, themes, and topics by strategic importance
  • Surface marketing campaign ideas
  • Generate content topics to support marketing campaigns
  • Identify and track editorial coverage on relevant themes, including where you need to fill gaps and where you need to double down
  • Create accurate, comprehensive content briefs for efficient content creation, and align content with your strategic aims.

Comprehensive Competitive Analysis.

Outpace your competitors by understanding your product’s true value.

Challenges: Sales teams (and potential customers!) struggle when comparing similar products from different vendors due to their wildly varying feature-naming conventions and levels of detail presented.

Solution: Create a Value-Map-based competitive matrix. Compare your product to your competitors using unified naming, categories, and detail. Identify gaps and opportunities in the feature sets and roadmaps across the competitive landscape.

Benefits: Understand and prioritize the areas where your product shines for marketing, sales, and communications. De-prioritize others (or add them to your roadmap!)

Relevant Value Map Features

  • Competitive Analysis: examine yourself and your competitors at multiple levels of granularity: features, logical-functional groupings, and business solutions.
  • Competitor Product Communication Analysis: collects and reviews competitor messaging around core benefits, positioning, and main claims.
  • Group and name specific functionalities and how they deliver value to level the informational playing field to make apples-to-apples comparisons.

Richer product communications faster

Tame the Complexity of Communicating about your Complex Product.

Challenge: Tech is complex


Technology is complex. Communicating and writing about it is even more complex, and your communication strategy is only as strong as its execution.

Solution: Accelerate


Accelerate your asset creation and approvals by combining your technical truth with reliable writing and editing processes.

Benefit: Increased volume


Increased volume and quality of content published, plus increased autonomy and mastery of your authoring teams.

What do we mean when we say, "Richer Product Content Faster"?

The OSP Value Map gives you:

Accurate, Compelling, Consistent Messaging.

Craft high-quality, consistent content with buy-in from all stakeholders.

Challenges: It is difficult to describe, position, write, and talk about your product consistently across many communications and sales touchpoints and as it evolves.

Solution: The Value Map is a central repository that all stakeholders can consult and contribute to for up-to-date messaging, accurate features, and the value they deliver.

Benefits: Accurate, compelling product communications — sales, marketing, investor pitch — 100% backed up by your technical truth, the feature set under the hood.

Relevant Value Map Features

  • Agreed-upon terms, language, and concepts ready to use for product pages on your website, brochures, sales resources, and more.
  • Un-siloed technical truth available to everyone: accurate descriptions of features and the value they deliver.
  • Living library of information, updated with every release.

Baked-in Best Practices, Templates, and Workflows.

Professional communications tooling to supercharge your impact.

Challenges: You can’t automatically assume that your high-value technical teams are also experienced strategists, writers, and communicators.

Solution: Years of industry experience go into OSP’s communications toolkit. It includes refined and documented best practices, templates, and workflows tailored to the strategic and communications challenges you face daily delivering complex technical products and services.

Benefits: Flourish as an effective communicator, whether you are in sales and marketing or just have to wear that hat on top of your other responsibilities.

Relevant Value Map Features

  • Product Communication Framework, documentation, and learning materials
  • Product communication standards, guides, and templates
  • Modular writing and editing process, fully documented, and extensible

Produce Better Content Faster.

Process + templates + your Value Map add up to consistent, smooth content creation and approval.

Challenges: Content authors hate staring at a blank page, not knowing where to go. The fear of forgetting a feature or missing a priority can be paralyzing ... or maybe you just don’t know what to write about today.

Solution: You have put in all the hard work getting to an approved strategy. Based on the Value Map, you and your teams can focus on production with confidence, your canonical source of alignment between your communications, vision, strategy, and technical truth.

Benefits: Content creation is smoothed and accelerated by building on a solid, approved informational base (your Value Map), standardized content templates, and an editorial workflow.

Relevant Value Map Features

  • Save technical-staff time. Anyone creating a content asset can consult the Value Map for features and details before contacting a technical resource.
  • From content strategy to production faster: The Value Map puts your up-to-date, approved strategy and your product’s technical truth at your fingertips — no need to reinvent it, no need for guesswork. Everything you need to plan and write content.
  • From strategy to plan faster: Sort and prioritize — personas, features, etc. — based on your strategic needs and goals, and get down to planning specifics!
  • From plan to brief and outline faster: For a given content asset, fill out your content templates with the relevant information from your Value Map: personas, challenges, solutions, etc. Add your conversion goals, and they’re ready for approval!
  • From outline to draft faster: With a completed brief and outline, the content creation process almost becomes an exercise in filling in the blanks. You can focus on effective writing, conversions, and making it all flow.
  • From draft to publish faster: The content brief and outline act as an editorial checklist for a given content deliverable. And the information in your Value Map backs up what’s in the brief!

Deep, wide, technical foundation

Build your product & sales commson a solid, factual foundation.

Challenge: Difficult to know everything


To create a better communication strategy, you need to capture the value of your products in your customers’ eyes, what sets you apart from your competition, and plan the messaging to sway new customers.

Solution: Robust foundation


Pour your collective knowledge, experience, and expertise into the OSP Value Map structures and methodology to ramp up your professional communications operations rapidly.

Benefit: Substance and fact


Enable all stakeholders to communicate about your product consistently, accurately, and compellingly.

What do we mean when we say, "Deep, Wide, Technical Foundation"?

The OSP Value Map gives you:

A CMO-on-Demand for Product Communications

Challenges: You need to capture, de-silo, and unify your product knowledge, vision, and market intuition for everyone to share and act upon.

Solution: The Value Map framework and methodology give you ready-made structures to articulate your communication and strategy, with or without a dedicated marketing team.

Benefits: Remove the guesswork from building your communication strategy and accelerate telling the world about the value you deliver.

Relevant Value Map Features

  • For the cost of a junior headcount, get OSP’s experienced team supporting you.
  • OSP works with your teams to pull their perspective, expertise, experience, and technical brilliance out of their heads and apply it to strategy and messaging.
  • Opinionated but flexible strategic structures and approach.
  • Fact-based, unified product positioning and product messaging.
  • Analytical approach to content and sales planning.
  • Communication strategy at everyone’s fingertips: your team and all other stakeholders.

Unified Positioning, Aligned with your Technical Truth

Connect technical features to fact-based product positioning.

Challenges: To help you come to a consensus on your product positioning and get buy-in from all stakeholders, you need a single source of truth about the features and benefits of your product.

Solution: OSP works with you to collect granular, comprehensive, structured data about your product’s features. Then, we “distill” these, concentrating them into logical-functional groups, then into product positioning.

Benefits: Connect with your critical, tech-savvy audiences (via fact-based positioning, free of hyperbole or guesswork).

Relevant Value Map Features

  • For the cost of a junior headcount, get OSP’s experienced team supporting you.
  • OSP works with your teams to pull their perspective, expertise, experience, and technical brilliance out of their heads and apply it to strategy and messaging.
  • Opinionated but flexible strategic structures and approach.
  • Fact-based, unified product positioning and product messaging.
  • Analytical approach to content and sales planning.
  • Communication strategy at everyone’s fingertips: your team and all other stakeholders.

Marketing Campaigns, Editorial Planning & Coverage.

Better planning makes better campaigns and lead-driving content

Challenges: Planning strategically aligned campaigns and editorial coverage related to large, complex products is challenging.

Solution: The narratives, topics, prioritization, and personas captured in your Value Map are the tools you need to get the job done consistently.

Benefits: The OSP Value Map is the link between your strategy and effective, efficient content production and ensures targeted messaging.

Relevant Value Map Features

  • Quickly determine strategic narratives and authority topics
  • Rank and track strategic narratives, themes, and topics by strategic importance
  • Surface marketing campaign ideas
  • Generate content topics to support marketing campaigns
  • Identify and track editorial coverage on relevant themes, including where you need to fill gaps and where you need to double down
  • Create accurate, comprehensive content briefs for efficient content creation, and align content with your strategic aims.

Comprehensive Competitive Analysis.

Outpace your competitors by understanding your product’s true value.

Challenges: Sales teams (and potential customers!) struggle when comparing similar products from different vendors due to their wildly varying feature-naming conventions and levels of detail presented.

Solution: Create a Value-Map-based competitive matrix. Compare your product to your competitors using unified naming, categories, and detail. Identify gaps and opportunities in the feature sets and roadmaps across the competitive landscape.

Benefits: Understand and prioritize the areas where your product shines for marketing, sales, and communications. De-prioritize others (or add them to your roadmap!)

Relevant Value Map Features

  • Competitive Analysis: examine yourself and your competitors at multiple levels of granularity: features, logical-functional groupings, and business solutions.
  • Competitor Product Communication Analysis: collects and reviews competitor messaging around core benefits, positioning, and main claims.
  • Group and name specific functionalities and how they deliver value to level the informational playing field to make apples-to-apples comparisons.

Better collaboration, sales & onboarding

Unified product data accelerates asynchronous collaboration.

Challenge: siloed information


To create a better communication strategy, you need to capture the value of your products in your customers’ eyes, what sets you apart from your competition, and plan the messaging to sway new customers.

Solution: Library


Pour your collective knowledge, experience, and expertise into the OSP Value Map structures and methodology to ramp up your professional communications operations rapidly.

Benefit: Empower teams


Enable all stakeholders to communicate about your product consistently, accurately, and compellingly.

What do we mean when we say, "Better Collaboration, Sales & Onboarding"?

The OSP Value Map gives you:

A CMO-on-Demand for Product Communications

Challenges: You need to capture, de-silo, and unify your product knowledge, vision, and market intuition for everyone to share and act upon.

Solution: The Value Map framework and methodology give you ready-made structures to articulate your communication and strategy, with or without a dedicated marketing team.

Benefits: Remove the guesswork from building your communication strategy and accelerate telling the world about the value you deliver.

Relevant Value Map Features

  • For the cost of a junior headcount, get OSP’s experienced team supporting you.
  • OSP works with your teams to pull their perspective, expertise, experience, and technical brilliance out of their heads and apply it to strategy and messaging.
  • Opinionated but flexible strategic structures and approach.
  • Fact-based, unified product positioning and product messaging.
  • Analytical approach to content and sales planning.
  • Communication strategy at everyone’s fingertips: your team and all other stakeholders.

Unified Positioning, Aligned with your Technical Truth

Connect technical features to fact-based product positioning.

Challenges: To help you come to a consensus on your product positioning and get buy-in from all stakeholders, you need a single source of truth about the features and benefits of your product.

Solution: OSP works with you to collect granular, comprehensive, structured data about your product’s features. Then, we “distill” these, concentrating them into logical-functional groups, then into product positioning.

Benefits: Connect with your critical, tech-savvy audiences (via fact-based positioning, free of hyperbole or guesswork).

Relevant Value Map Features

  • For the cost of a junior headcount, get OSP’s experienced team supporting you.
  • OSP works with your teams to pull their perspective, expertise, experience, and technical brilliance out of their heads and apply it to strategy and messaging.
  • Opinionated but flexible strategic structures and approach.
  • Fact-based, unified product positioning and product messaging.
  • Analytical approach to content and sales planning.
  • Communication strategy at everyone’s fingertips: your team and all other stakeholders.

Marketing Campaigns, Editorial Planning & Coverage.

Better planning makes better campaigns and lead-driving content

Challenges: Planning strategically aligned campaigns and editorial coverage related to large, complex products is challenging.

Solution: The narratives, topics, prioritization, and personas captured in your Value Map are the tools you need to get the job done consistently.

Benefits: The OSP Value Map is the link between your strategy and effective, efficient content production and ensures targeted messaging.

Relevant Value Map Features

  • Quickly determine strategic narratives and authority topics
  • Rank and track strategic narratives, themes, and topics by strategic importance
  • Surface marketing campaign ideas
  • Generate content topics to support marketing campaigns
  • Identify and track editorial coverage on relevant themes, including where you need to fill gaps and where you need to double down
  • Create accurate, comprehensive content briefs for efficient content creation, and align content with your strategic aims.

Comprehensive Competitive Analysis.

Outpace your competitors by understanding your product’s true value.

Challenges: Sales teams (and potential customers!) struggle when comparing similar products from different vendors due to their wildly varying feature-naming conventions and levels of detail presented.

Solution: Create a Value-Map-based competitive matrix. Compare your product to your competitors using unified naming, categories, and detail. Identify gaps and opportunities in the feature sets and roadmaps across the competitive landscape.

Benefits: Understand and prioritize the areas where your product shines for marketing, sales, and communications. De-prioritize others (or add them to your roadmap!)

Relevant Value Map Features

  • Competitive Analysis: examine yourself and your competitors at multiple levels of granularity: features, logical-functional groupings, and business solutions.
  • Competitor Product Communication Analysis: collects and reviews competitor messaging around core benefits, positioning, and main claims.
  • Group and name specific functionalities and how they deliver value to level the informational playing field to make apples-to-apples comparisons.

