Authentic Communication

Podcasts Authentic Communication 15.03.2023

ANTE, the OSP editorial code. Podcast 10

In this quick podcast, we discuss being clear about what you’re referring to in your writing with the editing code ANTE. There can be long rhetorical distances between whatever we’re talking about and the next “this, “that,” or “they” referring to it…

Podcasts Authentic Communication 14.03.2023

Talking Writing/Editing Codes with Chris Fenwick. Podcast 13

Learn where the Editing Codes came from, their influences, and how we developed them at OSP.

Events & Talks Authentic Communication 14.03.2023

Boost your project's trust signals with great docs!

A vibrant set of trust signals means people are far more likely to engage with your open source product, project, and community.

Podcasts Authentic Communication 07.03.2023

FUD, the OSP editorial code. Podcast 12

How we create positive and constructive communication through one of OSP's favorite Editing Codes: FUD

Podcasts Authentic Communication 28.02.2023

DATE, the OSP editorial code. Podcast 11

How we create evergreen and accessible communication through one of OSP’s favorite Editing Codes: DATE.

Authentic Communication Writing & Editing Podcasts 14.02.2023

WHOM, the OSP editorial code. Podcast Ep 09

In this quick podcast, we discuss how we use the Editing Code WHOM to create clear, trustworthy, and targeted communication that empowers your reader.

Authentic Communication Writing & Editing Podcasts 07.02.2023

SPOCK, the OSP editorial code. Podcast Ep 08

In this quick podcast, we discuss how we use the Editing Code SPOCK to deliver clarity, maintain the reader’s trust, and help everyone’s communication live long and prosper as writers, editors, and readers.

ACRO podcast episode title card
Authentic Communication Writing & Editing Podcasts 31.01.2023

ACRO, the OSP editorial code. Podcast Ep 07

In this quick podcast, learn how acronyms help build your authority and stay concise, helping your readers learn more, faster. Why and how to use acronyms in your communications from the perspectives of the writer, the editor, and the reader.

Authentic Communication 07.12.2021

It Takes a Village: Creating the TYPO3 Guidebook

Channeling community knowledge and experience into an open source technology book was a privilege and a lot of hard work. We think the result was worth it. Yes, we’d probably do it again :-)


