
Content & Editorial Planning

Imagine never running out of compelling things to write about :-)

Content and Editorial Planning rooted in your product’s value — detailed, flexible, and easy to execute.

Content Services

Click to read more about each service below.

Product Communications Kickstart Package

A compelling product page and the strategic base for launching further product marketing and sales efforts.

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Communication Goal-Setting

What is an effective approach to setting communication goals?

Communication goals based on clear Objectives and Key results (OKRs) are the most effective at keeping your company on track. Set ambitious but realistic objectives and assess your progress by tracking a set of measurable, actionable, and time bound key results.

Why do communication goals matter?

Scattershot approaches to communications planning often fall flat—your business needs a methodology for measuring the success of content and campaigns. OKRs and measurable goals help turn your marketing team’s most audacious vision into actionable goals and milestones.

How we can help

Open Strategy Partners helps companies set actionable and clear communication goals by working hand-in-hand with your marketing, communications, and leadership teams. We break down your organization’s broad mission into a set of clear communications objectives, define key results, and assign responsible teams for each result. 

Get in touch with us to learn more!

Topic Authority

What is Topic Authority?

Topic Authority is the establishment of a strong and rich online presence on topics directly connected to your product or services. Strategic Narrative themes are the high-priority topics you consistently highlight across campaigns, channels, and anywhere else you promote your brand.

Why does topic authority matter?

An editorial plan should emphasize content that’s easily discoverable and compatible with your customers’ needs.  Building up your Topic Authority helps boost your brand’s ranking in search results and establishes your company as the go-to source for knowledge and problem-solving related to their specific challenges. 

How OSP can help

Using your OSP Value Map as a jumping off point, we prioritize authority topics based on your most valuable product categories, features, and industry verticals. Open Strategy Partners helps build up comprehensive coverage that answers your audience’s most important questions, covers the Authority Topic in-depth, and links to a cluster of related content. 

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Narrative Architecture

What is narrative architecture?

A Narrative Architecture is a structured and non-hierarchical visualization of your main narratives: the structures of the stories you tell about your brand or company, and the relationships between them. Unlike a sitemap (the information architecture of a given website), the narrative architecture can be applied to any marketing materials. It is organized around hubs of communication priorities, with relevant messaging and details.

Why does narrative architecture matter?

Your content should consistently express key ideas, no matter the channel. A well-defined Narrative Architecture allows your company to determine high-level communication priorities without reference to a rigid format. Iron out what you want to say before committing to a structure or sitemap. 

How we can help

Open Strategy Partners provides a strategic framework for content and narrative architecture, upon which you can craft and visualize your key communications priorities. We help your company map out a content architecture and determine what kinds of supporting content is needed for each topic. 

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Audience Reach (Distribution & Promotion)

What is Audience Reach?

Audience Reach is a framework for mapping out how your target audience navigates the digital world and what type of content they respond to. A plan for Audience Reach highlights how you’re engaging with current and potential customers, and highlights new areas for distribution. 

Why does Audience Reach matter?

Your company needs a research-driven approach to determine how to distribute your communications and best engage with your target audience’s needs. By understanding and responding to your target persona’s digital practices, you can meet them where they are, at the right time. 

How we can help

Building on your predefined personas and challenges, Open Strategy Partners researches your audience’s digital behavior to analyze which narratives they find most engaging and how they best connect with your brand. We identify the best-fit opportunities for further distribution and promotion. 

Get in touch, book a 30-minute consultation.

Strategic Listening & Editorial Ideation

What is Strategic Listening & Editorial Ideation?

Strategic Listening and Editorial Ideation is a process by which you identify trends, keywords, key people and sources, and hashtags relevant to your authority topics. It leverages a structured approach so your team can consistently develop new ideas alongside execution of an editorial plan. 

Why does Strategic Listening & Editorial Ideation matter?

You need to know what topics your audience cares about now and will care about tomorrow. Strategic Listening and Editorial Ideation helps your brand maintain a consistent well of inspiration for content that connects with your target audience. 

How we can help

Open Strategy Partners expands the bandwidth of your marketing and PR teams by tracking trends and search result performance through a concentrated set of online tools. We’ll capture the most exciting activity and distill it into topics that add relevance and timeliness to your editorial strategy. 

Get in touch to learn more!

Content & Campaign Plans

What are Content and Campaign Plans?

Content and Campaign Plans are detailed outlines of the communications your team needs to draft and publish—in the short, medium, and long term. Based on OKRs and business goals, content plans include key topics, target audience, Calls-to-Action and Calls-to-Value, timelines, and distribution details for each of your planned communications. 

Why do Content and Campaign Plans matter?

When your technical and business teams work to develop a new product, expand a service, or serve a new industry vertical, they rely on marketing and content to inform the rest of the world. Content and Editorial plans build on your brand’s goals and help your editorial team create more effective communications. 

How we can help

Open Strategy Partners works with you to develop a holistic content plan that addresses your audience’s most critical challenges and your product’s greatest benefits. We create timelines for everything from product launches to regular editorial upkeep—adding depth with key messages, audiences, communication assets, and CTAs.

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