Colorful wall with an open door in the middle. OSP and logos are visible through the door. boosts marketing and RFP success with OSP

Discover how partnered with OSP to streamline their marketing efforts, enhance RFP success, and drive impactful business results.

Enhancing marketing and RFP success for

Refining marketing strategies and RFP responses to enhance brand consistency and win new business., a leading digital consultancy with deep roots in the Drupal community, faced a significant challenge in maintaining the consistency and effectiveness of their marketing efforts. After internal changes in their marketing team, the company found itself struggling to communicate their brand value and respond effectively to new business opportunities. This is where Open Strategy Partners (OSP) stepped in, providing immediate assistance and long-term strategic support to drive measurable success.

Challenges in maintaining marketing maturity

Despite their ongoing 25+ year history of success delivering digital solutions, changes in’s in-house marketing team lead to inconsistent brand messaging and difficulties with marketing execution. The internal team struggled with managing various marketing components, particularly when it came to tying together social media, event preparations, and content creation. With DrupalCon, an important industry conference, on the horizon and deadlines looming, needed urgent support to prepare for the event while also addressing long-standing marketing gaps.

In addition to these challenges, faced growing difficulties responding to RFPs (“request for proposal,” common in the bidding and vendor selection process for government, institutional, and enterprise projects). Despite past successes participating in large-scale RFP processes, the company was not progressing as far as expected. They often failed to make it to the finalist stage, where they historically had a much higher success rate in winning projects.

George DeMet, Palantir Founder and Co-CEO

"OSP stepped in during a critical time before DrupalCon, providing urgent support and delivering high-quality materials (swag, messaging, etc.) that were essential for our success at the event."​ 

– George DeMet, Palantir Founder and Co-CEO

Quick wins, creativity, long-term bottom-line benefits

We initially stepped in to deliver essential marketing support under tight deadlines to help prepare for DrupalCon. This included creating event swag, refining messaging, and ensuring all marketing materials were ready for the event. This urgent collaboration laid the foundation for a longer-term partnership, where we provided ongoing content marketing support, brand strategy, and sales enablement.

We helped significantly improve their RFP success rate and repeatability. Working closely with their team, we improved their RFP responses by refining the content, adding clarity, and making proposals more visually engaging. OSP also created a reusable RFP response library, allowing to streamline future efforts and focus their energy on client-specific proposals.

The partnership has also produced solutions beyond the initial scope and expectations for the engagement, showcasing our creative approach to enhancing’s marketing efforts. These included a polished keynote presentation for’s CEO and a high-impact “sizzle reel” to replace outdated event presentations.

George DeMet, Palantir Founder and Co-CEO

"A few areas exceeded expectations: the creation of a polished keynote presentation for Tiffany, our CEO, the development of a 'sizzle reel'… and refining RFP responses to win more significant engagements."​

– George DeMet, Palantir Founder and Co-CEO

Concrete results

Since engaging with OSP, has seen tangible improvements across several areas of their business:

  • Increased RFP success"With OSP’s help, Palantir made it to the finalist phase in multiple RFPs and secured two significant project wins, a substantial improvement over our previous performance. The work that OSP has done has helped us streamline our proposals and provide more thoughtful responses to the RFPs that we respond to." — George DeMet, Palantir Founder and Co-CEO
  • Enhanced brand messaging: We developed a comprehensive brand voice and tone guide for, ensuring consistency across all marketing channels. This resource has become a valuable internal tool for maintaining cohesive communication.
  • Content marketing and sales enablement: Our expertise in content marketing helped create a go-to-market strategy, refine marketing copy for key products, and develop engaging blog posts and case studies, which continue to drive brand awareness and client engagement. Furthermore, “Collaborations with team members on blog posts and case studies have definitely made it easier for more people at Palantir to participate in our sales and marketing efforts.” — George DeMet, Palantir Founder and Co-CEO
  • Creative solutions: From producing a professional keynote presentation to creating a dynamic “sizzle reel” for events, we provided innovative solutions that exceeded’s expectations and added significant value to their marketing efforts.
A group of dolls holding laptops with various OSP and Palantir logos

Partners in transformation

The partnership between and OSP has been transformative, helping the digital consultancy overcome internal marketing challenges and dramatically improving their success with RFPs. By providing both strategic and creative support, OSP has empowered to communicate their value more effectively and win critical new business opportunities.

Interested in how OSP can elevate your marketing strategy and business success?

Contact us today to learn how we can help you build a stronger brand and win more opportunities.

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